Through annual IFCO Pat Whelan Youth Fund Award, we aim to support youth in- and from care so that they can meet and learn from each other, advocate on behalf of care leavers at the international level and be globally heard.
The IFCO Pat Whelan Youth Fund was founded in 2007 in memory of IFCO member and former volunteer Administration Secretary Pat Whelan from Ireland. The aim of the fund is to support a young person (or group of youth) to attend and participate in IFCO conferences and events, who may otherwise be unable to do so. Since 2007, through individual and corporate donations, youth in care and care leavers from various parts of the world have been able to meet other youth, adults and decision makers at International Foster Care Organisation conferences held at both international and European levels.
Criteria for applying:
- All applicants must hold current Youth Membership of the International Foster Care Organisation. If you are not a current member of IFCO youth you may apply for this online
- All applicants must be between 14 and 28 years of age
- Applicants must have a formal care experience
- Awarded applicants are sponsored by the IFCO Pat Whelan Youth Fund on no more than one occasion in a three-year period
- Applicants must submit a personal piece answering: What value will attending an IFCO conference add to you, your life and your community?
For more details for each annual call please follow the announcements through IFCO email communication, website, Facebook or Twitter pages. Calls are usually announced around the time preceding the next international or regional conference.
If you would like to apply for support from the Pat Whelan Fund to attend IFCO 2022 in Darwin check the criteria for applying to the Fund below.
Criteria for applying to the Pat Whelan Fund:
- All applicants must hold current Youth Membership of the International Foster Care Organisation;
- If you are not a current member of IFCO you may join here
- All applicants must be between 14 and 29 years of age at the time of the conference;
- Applicants must have a formal care experience;
- Applicants must submit a personal statement answering the following question: what value will your attendance at an IFCO conference add to your life and your community?
Please note successful applicants are sponsored by the IFCO Pat Whelan Fund on no more than one occasion in a three-year period.
If you would like to find out more about this opportunity, please contact us using the form below.
If you would like to support young people to attend a conference please consider donating directly (below) or contacting us (below) about running a fund raiser or providing targeted sponsorship for a young person, for example supporting a young person from a certain country to attend.