Our Governance
IFCO is a limited company and a charity based in the UK and we are therefore subject to UK company and charity legislation. Although based in the UK our current Board of Directors hail from many parts of the world, including England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, U.S., India and Malta.
IFCO is a member-based organisation and the members elect our Board of Directors to guide the work of the organisation. The Directors of IFCO are all unpaid volunteers who believe passionately in IFCO’s cause to improve the lives of children in fostering and kinship care. Some of our Directors have had direct experience of foster care. All of our Directors have a broad range of expertise and knowledge of which they give freely to the work of IFCO in their governance role.
IFCO's Board of Directors
Following the International Foster Care Organisation's Annual General Meeting held on 2nd November 2017 in Valletta, Malta the 2017-19 IFCO Board members and officers are listed below.