
Egypt: Wataneya Society’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wataneya Society for the Development of Orphanages has been trying since its foundation in 2008 to “Create a future of equal opportunities for children and youth without parental care, through unifying the standards and applying all aspects of care and services in alternative care”. To be able to reach this goal, Wataneya Society had to … Continue reading Egypt: Wataneya Society’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Life Story Work in the time of COVID-19 (Recording included!)

IFCO brings you a Series of Online Webinars 2020/2021 Youtube video of the Life Story Work Webinar: On the 2nd of July, 2020 IFCO kicked off its webinar series scheduled to take place throughout the rest of year. Featured by a panel of three main speakers, this first webinar focused discussion on ‘Life Story Work … Continue reading Life Story Work in the time of COVID-19 (Recording included!)

Preventing Child Abandonment in Madagascar during Cononavirus

Governments around the world are taking different approaches to how to manage child protection, family support, and foster care systems in response to COVID-19. IFCO Board member Lanto Robivelo, Operational Director of Famadagascar outlines the work that he and Famadagascar have been completing in Madagascar. On Saturday March 21st, the president of Madagascar announced that the country would commence … Continue reading Preventing Child Abandonment in Madagascar during Cononavirus


On the 8th and 9th of April 2020, IFCO hosted two ‘Coffee Conversations’ Webinars in partnership with The Care Leavers Association (CLA) and the Institute of Recovery from Childhood Trauma (IRCT) to talk about the issues raised by Covid-19 in the social care sectors across the globe. We had representation from 13 different countries and … Continue reading IFCO COFFEE CONVERSATIONS

My contribution in establishing a new foster care system in Malta

It all started in 1998. Dr. Laurence Gonzi – then Minister for Social Policy (he was later appointed Prime Minister of Malta) invited me to share my thoughts about setting up a fostering service for children in Malta. Back then, the majority of children needing out of home care were placed in large residential Homes. … Continue reading My contribution in establishing a new foster care system in Malta

Happy World Children’s Day!

On behalf of IFCO, I join with everyone around the world to wish all children a happy World Children’s Day. Today is especially significant as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This momentous Convention has contributed enormously to the wellbeing of children across … Continue reading Happy World Children’s Day!

My first foster and kinship care conference

Earlier this month I was privileged to attend my first foster and kinship care conference. It was held at the Rendezvous Hotel, in beautiful Scarborough Beach, Perth, Western Australia. It was a truly magnificent occasion with 600 people in attendance at a very well organised and informative Australian National conference. The organisers and hosts were … Continue reading My first foster and kinship care conference